Weekly Newsletter Vol. 16

Navigating the Holidays as Office Leaders

Weekly Newsletter Vol. 16 - December 20, 2023

When you realize it’s almost ‘Office Holiday Party’ time

Generating your Lead Story…

As the holidays approach, it's a good time for leaders to consider their role in setting the tone for the office. Managing the holiday season involves finding the right mix of empathy, motivation, and creating a positive vibe within their teams.

First and foremost, leading with empathy is paramount. The holidays can evoke a spectrum of emotions for your team members. Some may be overjoyed, while others might find this time challenging. A compassionate leader acknowledges these feelings and creates an inclusive environment where everyone feels seen and supported.

Inspiring your teams during the holidays involves setting a positive tone. Encourage a festive spirit by incorporating small celebrations, whether it's a holiday-themed team lunch or decorating shared spaces. Your enthusiasm will be contagious and contribute to a more cheerful work atmosphere.

Communication plays a pivotal role. Keep your team informed about holiday schedules, any special initiatives, and express gratitude for their hard work throughout the year. A transparent and appreciative leader fosters a sense of belonging and connection.

Flexibility is key during this season. Acknowledge that priorities may shift as personal commitments take precedence. Providing a degree of flexibility in work schedules or project timelines demonstrates your understanding of the work-life balance during the holidays.

Lastly, lead by example. Display a positive attitude, share your excitement for the season, and actively participate in office festivities. Your genuine enthusiasm will inspire others to embrace the holiday spirit.

As we navigate the holidays together, let's lead with joy, empathy, and a commitment to fostering a workplace where everyone feels valued and appreciated.

Wishing you and your teams a joyful holiday season!

Top 3 Ways to Keep your Employees Motivated:

1. Recognition

Managers should consistently recognize and appreciate the efforts of their employees. Acknowledging a job well done, whether through verbal praise, written commendations, or formal recognition programs, goes a long way in boosting morale. Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to stay motivated and engaged in their work.

2. Clear Communication

Transparent communication about organizational goals and how each employee contributes to these objectives is essential for maintaining motivation. Managers should provide clear expectations, align individual goals with broader company missions, and ensure employees understand the impact of their work.

3. Lead by example

Demonstrating motivation and energy is pivotal in inspiring your team. This extends beyond formal meetings to encompass daily interactions, including your communication style in emails and your demeanor in various settings. Your conduct is continuously observed, serving as a model for expected behaviour. It is crucial to recognize that leadership sets the tone for the entire team. Your actions profoundly influence the motivation levels of your employees, emphasizing the significance of consistent exemplary behaviour at all times.

You can’t make this stuff up

(*Disclaimer: these are real experiences provided by RME's community of job seekers and hiring managers)

"I just wanted to take a minute to drop you a note and thank you, one more time, for trying to help me. You are one of very few who has offered me any sort of help during this trying time. Unfortunately, after a year and a half of no work, or income, unemployment has finally won, and my daughter and I will be homeless by Wednesday and waiting for beds in a shelter, but living in our car, with our fur babies, in the interim. Merry Christmas, right? Dang Covid. The gift that just keeps on giving. Anyway thank you for all you do, I really enjoy your posts, and you’re making a difference. At least you made one to me. Happy holidays and take care."



-Anonymous, USA

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